
Fanuc alarm: 313/323/333/343/353/363/373/383 - APC alarm: nth-axis framing

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
, 0/00/0-mate,
313/323/333/343/353/363/373/383 - APC alarm: nth-axis framing

Alarm Description

Please reference Alarm 303

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Absolute pulse coder (APC)

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 313/323/333/343/353/363/373/383 - APC alarm: nth-axis framing) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 312/322/332/342/352/362/372/382 - APC alarm: nth-axis over time

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
, 0/00/0-mate,
312/322/332/342/352/362/372/382 - APC alarm: nth-axis over time

Alarm Description

Please reference Alarm 302

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Absolute pulse coder (APC)

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 312/322/332/342/352/362/372/382 - APC alarm: nth-axis over time) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 311/321/331/341/351/361/371/381 - APC alarm: nth-axis communication

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
, 0/00/0-mate,
311/321/331/341/351/361/371/381 - APC alarm: nth-axis communication

Alarm Description

Please reference Alarm 301

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Absolute pulse coder, cable or scale faulty, Check to make sure parameters are set correctly and that someone did not try to turn the scale or encoder off or on while troubleshooting. (APC)

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 311/321/331/341/351/361/371/381 - APC alarm: nth-axis communication) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 310/320/330/340/350/360/370/380 - n-axis origin return

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
, 0/00/0-mate,
310/320/330/340/350/360/370/380 - n-axis origin return

Alarm Description

Please reference Alarm 300

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 310/320/330/340/350/360/370/380 - n-axis origin return) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 309 - APC ALARM: n AXIS ZRN IMPOSSIBL

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i

Alarm Description

Return to the origin has been attempted without first rotating the motor one or more times. Before returning to the origin, rotate the motor one or more times then turn off the power.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Must move the axis at least one revolution of the ballscrew or at least 6"

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 309 - APC ALARM: n AXIS ZRN IMPOSSIBL) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 308 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 2

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
308 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 2

Alarm Description

nth-axis (n=1-8) APC battery voltage has reached a level where the battery must be renewed (including when power is OFF). APC alarm .Replace battery.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

First replace the batteries if they drain quickly you must determine which pulse coder or cable is shorted and drawing the battery down. (APC)=Absolute pulse coder

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 308 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 2) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 307 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 1

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
307 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 1

Alarm Description

nth-axis (n=1-8) axis APC battery voltage reaches a level where the battery must be renewed. APC alarm. Replace the battery.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

First replace the batteries if they drain quickly you must determine which pulse coder or cable is shorted and drawing the battery down. (APC)=Absolute pulse coder

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 307 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery low 1) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 306 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery voltage 0

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
306 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery voltage 0

Alarm Description

nth-axis (n=1-8) APC battery voltage has decreased to a low level so that the data cannot be held. APC alarm. Battery or cable may be faulty.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

1. First replace the batteries if they drain quickly you must determine which pulse coder or cable is shorted and drawing the battery down. (APC)=Absolute pulse coder. 2. Occurs immediately after power on when a cable or encoder was disconnected from the battery. Power down and up again to clear battery voltage 0 alarm

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 306 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery voltage 0) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 305 - APC alarm: nth-axis pulse error

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
305 - APC alarm: nth-axis pulse error

Alarm Description

nth-axis (n=1-8) APC pulse error alarm. APC alarm. APC or cable may be faulty.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Absolute pulse coder (APC)-, Sometimes can occur on power up for machines with a scale enabled instead of an encoder or even related to excessive slop in the drive system such as rotary tables.

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 305 - APC alarm: nth-axis pulse error) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 304 - APC alarm: nth-axis parity

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
304 - APC alarm: nth-axis parity

Alarm Description

nth-axis (n=1-8) APC parity error. Failure in data transmission. Possible causes include a faulty APC, cable, or servo interface module.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Absolute pulse coder (APC)

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Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 304 - APC alarm: nth-axis parity) error message below.

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